Welcome to our Blog! Emotions, Behaviors, Human-Animal Bond, Dog Training, Misconduct Prevention, etc.

Ejercicios de Propiocepción y Otros Juegos para Perros en Casa: Estimula su Mente y Fortalece el Vínculo

Ejercicios de Propiocepción y Otros Juegos para...

Como tutores responsables de animalillosss que somos, sabemos que nuestros perros necesitan no sólo ejercicio físico, sino también estimulación mental para mantenerse felices y equilibrados. Afortunadamente, existen una variedad de ejercicios de...

Ejercicios de Propiocepción y Otros Juegos para...

Como tutores responsables de animalillosss que somos, sabemos que nuestros perros necesitan no sólo ejercicio físico, sino también estimulación mental para mantenerse felices y equilibrados. Afortunadamente, existen una variedad de ejercicios de...

El castigo y los retos en perros: cómo empeoran su conducta y dañan el vínculo humano-canino

Punishment and challenges in dogs: how they wor...

When it comes to training our dogs, it is important to understand the most effective and respectful training methods. Unfortunately, there are still frequently used punishment and challenging practices, but...

Punishment and challenges in dogs: how they wor...

When it comes to training our dogs, it is important to understand the most effective and respectful training methods. Unfortunately, there are still frequently used punishment and challenging practices, but...

Cómo saber si tu perro te ama: comprensión de la conducta y las señales caninas o señales de calma.

How to know if your dog loves you: understandin...

Dogs are known for their loyalty and affection towards their human companions, but how can you tell if your dog really loves you? Here are some ways to tell if...

How to know if your dog loves you: understandin...

Dogs are known for their loyalty and affection towards their human companions, but how can you tell if your dog really loves you? Here are some ways to tell if...

La importancia del apego en la relación humano-perro y del refuerzo positivo en el vínculo humano animal!

The importance of attachment in the human-dog r...

Dogs are faithful and loyal companions, and as owners (ahem, guardians), we want to make sure we have a healthy and happy relationship with our furry friends. The attachment bond...

The importance of attachment in the human-dog r...

Dogs are faithful and loyal companions, and as owners (ahem, guardians), we want to make sure we have a healthy and happy relationship with our furry friends. The attachment bond...

Qué buscar en un entrenador o adiestrador canino: una guía para encontrar el entrenador adecuado para ti y tu compañero canino.

What to Look for in a Canine Trainer or Trainer...

Choosing the right dog trainer is essential to ensure your dog receives the proper training and guidance it needs. Whether you're a new dog parent or an experienced pet owner,...

What to Look for in a Canine Trainer or Trainer...

Choosing the right dog trainer is essential to ensure your dog receives the proper training and guidance it needs. Whether you're a new dog parent or an experienced pet owner,...

La importancia de la socialización temprana en cachorros: impacto en la conducta y adaptación en la edad adulta

The importance of early socialization in puppie...

The socialization period is a critical period in the early development of puppies, during which they learn to interact with other individuals of their species and with the environment around...

The importance of early socialization in puppie...

The socialization period is a critical period in the early development of puppies, during which they learn to interact with other individuals of their species and with the environment around...