Welcome to our Blog! Emotions, Behaviors, Human-Animal Bond, Dog Training, Misconduct Prevention, etc.

El miedo y ladridos en perros de razas pequeñas: ¿Influencia genética o factores ambientales?

Fear and barking in small breed dogs: genetic i...

Small breed dogs, such as Chihuahuas, Bichon Frize, and Yorkshire Terriers, are known for their charm and charisma. However, it is also common to observe that these dogs tend to...

Fear and barking in small breed dogs: genetic i...

Small breed dogs, such as Chihuahuas, Bichon Frize, and Yorkshire Terriers, are known for their charm and charisma. However, it is also common to observe that these dogs tend to...

El Terrier Chileno: Descubre sus conductas y Características Únicas

The Chilean Terrier: Discover its behaviors and...

The Chilean Terrier is a small but courageous breed of dog that has gained popularity in Chile and other South American countries in recent years. Known for their friendly and...

The Chilean Terrier: Discover its behaviors and...

The Chilean Terrier is a small but courageous breed of dog that has gained popularity in Chile and other South American countries in recent years. Known for their friendly and...

El lenguaje corporal de las razas: ¿Cómo las diferentes razas de perro influyen en cómo se comunican con nosotros?

Breed body language: How do different dog breed...

Dogs, although they do not speak our language, use a variety of signals to convey their emotions and thoughts, as we have explained in other posts, well… believe it, their...

Breed body language: How do different dog breed...

Dogs, although they do not speak our language, use a variety of signals to convey their emotions and thoughts, as we have explained in other posts, well… believe it, their...

Comprender el impacto de la edad, el género y tipo de la raza en el comportamiento de tu perro

Understanding the impact of age, gender and bre...

Understand the impact of age, gender, and breed type on your dog's behavior. All this influences, find out why! Also A dog's behavior can be influenced by its environment, socialization,...

Understanding the impact of age, gender and bre...

Understand the impact of age, gender, and breed type on your dog's behavior. All this influences, find out why! Also A dog's behavior can be influenced by its environment, socialization,...