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Reproducción sorprendente: ¡La poliandria y la superfecundación en perros y gatos!

Surprising reproduction: Polyandry and superfer...

In the wonderful world of animal reproduction, there are fascinating and surprising phenomena that defy our expectations. One is the ability of female dogs and cats to become pregnant by...

Surprising reproduction: Polyandry and superfer...

In the wonderful world of animal reproduction, there are fascinating and surprising phenomena that defy our expectations. One is the ability of female dogs and cats to become pregnant by...

La importancia de la socialización temprana en cachorros: impacto en la conducta y adaptación en la edad adulta

The importance of early socialization in puppie...

The socialization period is a critical period in the early development of puppies, during which they learn to interact with other individuals of their species and with the environment around...

The importance of early socialization in puppie...

The socialization period is a critical period in the early development of puppies, during which they learn to interact with other individuals of their species and with the environment around...