Welcome to our Blog! Emotions, Behaviors, Human-Animal Bond, Dog Training, Misconduct Prevention, etc.

Sanación desde dentro: el poder de la terapia emocional y energética para perros

Healing from within: the power of emotional and...

Dogs are known for their loyalty, companionship, and unconditional love, but they are also vulnerable to emotional and psychological problems, just like humans. For this reason, emotional and energy therapy...

Healing from within: the power of emotional and...

Dogs are known for their loyalty, companionship, and unconditional love, but they are also vulnerable to emotional and psychological problems, just like humans. For this reason, emotional and energy therapy...

El lenguaje corporal de las razas: ¿Cómo las diferentes razas de perro influyen en cómo se comunican con nosotros?

Breed body language: How do different dog breed...

Dogs, although they do not speak our language, use a variety of signals to convey their emotions and thoughts, as we have explained in other posts, well… believe it, their...

Breed body language: How do different dog breed...

Dogs, although they do not speak our language, use a variety of signals to convey their emotions and thoughts, as we have explained in other posts, well… believe it, their...

La importancia de la socialización temprana en cachorros: impacto en la conducta y adaptación en la edad adulta

The importance of early socialization in puppie...

The socialization period is a critical period in the early development of puppies, during which they learn to interact with other individuals of their species and with the environment around...

The importance of early socialization in puppie...

The socialization period is a critical period in the early development of puppies, during which they learn to interact with other individuals of their species and with the environment around...

Descifrando los tipos de ladridos caninos: ¿Que expresan según su entonación?

Deciphering the types of canine barking: What d...

Dogs are social animals that communicate with their environment through various means, one of which is barking. Although it is common to think that all dog barks sound the same,...

Deciphering the types of canine barking: What d...

Dogs are social animals that communicate with their environment through various means, one of which is barking. Although it is common to think that all dog barks sound the same,...

El vínculo hormonal: El sistema endocrino afecta las emociones y comportamientos de nuestros perros

The Hormonal Link: The Endocrine System Affects...

The endocrine system of dogs is responsible for the production and secretion of hormones in the body, which play a fundamental role in the control and regulation of various bodily...

The Hormonal Link: The Endocrine System Affects...

The endocrine system of dogs is responsible for the production and secretion of hormones in the body, which play a fundamental role in the control and regulation of various bodily...

La conexión intestino-cerebro en perros: cómo se vinculan las emociones de tu perro con sus sistemas gastrointestinal y endocrino: Explicado.

The Gut-Brain Connection in Dogs: How Your Dog'...

First, the enteric nervous system (ENS), often called the "second brain," is a complex network of neurons that extends along the gastrointestinal tract, from the esophagus to the anus. The...

The Gut-Brain Connection in Dogs: How Your Dog'...

First, the enteric nervous system (ENS), often called the "second brain," is a complex network of neurons that extends along the gastrointestinal tract, from the esophagus to the anus. The...