Personalized Bach Flower Repetition - Dra. Jose Veterinaria
Personalized Bach Flower Repetition - Dra. Jose Veterinaria
Only for patients who have already purchased personalized flowers before, either with the intake form or with Jose Veterinaria.
Made from plants - 100% Natural and with a lot of love.
Repeat your flowers! We will receive your order and if you have already taken floral therapy or Ethology with Dr. Jose, you do not have to do anything else! She already has your formula and data.
If this is your first time, and you want personalized flowers along with emotional management and advice on behavioral issues, we recommend that you take a personalized Flower Therapy Session here.
Leia a tenido avances con el uso de flores y entrenamiento para aprender a controlar su híper reactividad al ruido, ya está mucho mejor y logra gestionar los ruidos habituales sin reaccionar
Las flores han dado resultados increíbles con mi bebé peludo y fue muy fácil volver a pedir la preparación! También llegó super rápido, muchas gracias!